6 Ginger Remedies For Healthy Skin

Ginger can be our ally in terms of skin health. Ginger can help us improve its appearance, fight acne and heal burns.
6 ginger remedies for healthy skin

Ginger is a spice known for its intense taste and smell. It is used as a spice in the kitchen or for medicinal purposes, its most well-known use being the treatment of cold symptoms. But did you know that it is also an effective remedy for skin care? In the following, discover 6 ginger remedies for healthy skin.

The skin needs special care, for example, it must be hydrated and protected against ultraviolet rays. In this sense, ginger is an effective ingredient for basic skin care.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phosphorus, oxalic acid, calcium, carotene and flavonoids. In addition, ginger fights the first signs of aging and reduces the damage caused by stress.

Ginger improves circulation and removes toxins from the skin. For this reason, we recommend that you include this ingredient in your diet or that you always have it at home so that you can take care of your skin.

Ginger remedies for skin health

1. Exfoliant


  • A ginger root
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar (30 g)
  • One third cup of coconut oil (67 g)

Method of preparation

  • Grate the ginger in a bowl.
  • Add the two tablespoons of brown sugar and finally the coconut oil. This oil can be replaced with almond oil to give the mixture an even more pleasant smell.
  • Mix the ingredients until smooth.

How to use

  • Apply the treatment once a week, avoiding the sensitive area of ​​the eyes and contact with the mucous membranes.
Ginger remedies for exfoliation and skin care

This treatment helps you remove toxins and dead cells from the skin. Apply the treatment weekly and enjoy the benefits of ginger for the skin.

2. Ginger remedies for healing burns


  • A few slices of ginger (30 g)
  • A cup of water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Process the ginger and water in the food processor.

How to use

  • Apply the mixture obtained on a cotton cloth, use the compress on the affected area and you will feel its invigorating effect.
Ginger remedies for healthy skin

Another option would be to eat fresh ginger.

Cut the ginger into slices and lightly rub it on the burn area. Ginger is an ideal remedy for both skin health and burn healing.

3. Ginger and turmeric tea against acne


  • A ginger root
  • A teaspoon of turmeric powder (8 g)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • A teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)
  • A cup of water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Boil water in a bowl. When it reaches boiling point, add the peeled and sliced ​​ginger root. Then add the turmeric and mix well.
  • Heat the infusion over low heat for 15 minutes. Stop the fire and strain.
  • At the end, add the lemon juice and honey and mix well.

Administration method

  • You can drink tea three times a day. It will help eliminate toxins from the blood that are responsible for the appearance of acne on the skin.
    Ginger remedies in the form of infusion

4. Ginger juice, oranges and carrots


  • A ginger root
  • One orange
  • 3 carrots

Method of preparation

  • Clean all the shell ingredients and process them in the food processor.

Administration method

  • We recommend that you consume the juice once a day. The juice can also be consumed cold.
Remedies with ginger, oranges and carrots for skin care

Ginger, orange and carrot juice has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This juice helps you eliminate free radicals from the body and get rid of acne.

5. Remedies with ginger against pigment spots


  • 1 glass of milk (200 ml)
  • A tablespoon of ginger powder (15 g)

Method of preparation

  • Add the powdered ginger to a glass of milk and mix well.

Administration method

  • Consume the remedy daily, at least once a day. Ginger will help remove stains.

This remedy helps to remove pigment spots from the skin by lightening its color. But do not forget that these ginger remedies for skin care require regular application as well as a lot of patience. It is not a miraculous treatment, but it helps you to improve the appearance of your skin gradually.

6. Ginger treatment against dandruff


  • A ginger root
  • A tablespoon of sesame oil (15 ml)
  • The juice of a lemon
The need for ginger remedies with action against dandruff

Method of preparation

  • Peel a squash, grate it and slice it. Crush the slices in a mortar to extract the juice.
  • Put the juice obtained in a bottle and add a tablespoon of sesame oil (it can be replaced with olive oil).
  • Finally, add the lemon juice and stir well.

How to use

  • Massage your scalp with the mixture obtained and leave it to act for 15-30 minutes.
  • Then rinse your hair with warm water and wash it as you usually do.

Applied regularly, the treatment helps to eliminate dandruff.

Ginger has a lot of uses and benefits, including for your skin. Start enjoying these ginger remedies for your skin health today!

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