Screen Effects On The Eyes

More and more research is taking place to study the impact of screens on eye health, given the increasing use of electronic devices. Sight is a vital sense very exposed to the harmful effects of screens. We will tell you more in the article below.
The effects of screens on the eyes

In the world of ophthalmology, there are more and more studies on the effects of screens on the eyes. Medical consultations on eye health resulting from the use of electronic devices have multiplied exponentially.

Therefore, the concept of computerized vision syndrome (CVS) emerged. This problem occurs when the screen exposure is longer than 3 hours a day or when the screen brightness is above the recommended level. The condition also occurs when the distance between a person’s eyes and the screen is too small.

As we all know, modern life means the constant use of a wide variety of screens. We use TVs, tablets, mobile phones, computers. In fact, I even installed screens on home appliances. Our eyes spend their day struggling to focus on interpreting the information on these devices.

We often make a great eye effort to look at mobile phones. Because we keep them at a short distance from the head, we force the binocular vision of the eyes.

Effects of screens on the eyes: symptoms

Employee who feels the effects of screens on the eyes
Prolonged exposure to the screens of electronic devices, such as smartphones, is linked to visual health issues.

What are the effects of screens on the eyes?

A number of mechanisms come into play unconsciously in order to use the screens. The human body changes the shapes and ways in which it performs its usual functions to adapt to electronic devices.

One of the basic issues involved in the impact of screens on visual health is the ability to concentrate. Our eyes, at rest, easily focus on objects at a great distance. However, when you have to focus on something nearby, effort-intensive compensation mechanisms are triggered. These accommodation tasks lead to fatigue.

Moreover, the concentration required by the screens is high. The eyes tend to stay open for longer periods of time and blink less often. On average, we blink 15 to 20 times a minute. However, simply using a screen can reduce the number of blinks to 3 per minute.

In addition, the screens emit a considerable amount of blue light. This blue light is a fragment of the full spectrum of light that can penetrate the retina. The blue light reaches the spots and damages them over time.

Young woman buttoning the phone at night
The light emitted by the screens of mobile devices is dangerous to the health of the retina.

Recommendations for reducing the impact of screens on visual health

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