9 Plants That Can Relieve Anxiety

Passion flower is recommended to treat neck pain. In addition, this plant can be used to relieve headaches and menstrual cramps. On the other hand, ginseng helps you balance the Yin and Yang in your body.
9 plants that can relieve anxiety

In the hectic world we live in, it is not at all difficult to become mentally unbalanced. Problems at work, the obligations we have, stress, all fall into the category of possible sources of anxiety. In this article we will show you which are the best plants to relieve and treat anxiety.

Perhaps the ideal solution to relax is to spend a weekend in the country from time to time. But, unfortunately, most of us do not have this option.

The good news is that there are many plants that can relieve anxiety and it is not at all difficult to take advantage of the benefits they offer us.

Plants that can relieve anxiety

Nowadays, we do not lack reasons to make us feel agitated or anxious, and the negative effects caused by this type of emotions can easily affect our whole body.

Maybe you have just changed jobs, you are getting married, a meeting with a person you like very much is approaching, your co-workers are having problems, you are planning to open your own business or you have to take an exam very difficult.

In all these situations (and not only), nature can help you deal with negative emotions that cause anxiety.

Here are some useful herbs to relieve the anxiety you feel:

The flower of passion

The passion flower acts directly on the central nervous system, while relaxing the muscles of the body. As soon as you eat it, this plant relieves pain related to the nervous system (such as, for example, back pain caused by maintaining an incorrect body position).

Passion flower is also recommended for those who suffer from headaches or menstrual cramps. Passion flower extract can be purchased from any health food or diet store.

Simply put a few drops of this extract in a glass of water, tea or fresh orange juice.


According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng can be used to balance Yin and Yang in your body. Contrary to popular belief, this plant does not cause nervousness or agitation; on the contrary, ginseng can animate those suffering from depression, upset or chronic fatigue.

If you are anxious or depressed, this plant can have a sedative effect on you. We advise you to consume ginseng extract prepared with alcohol and water — simply dilute a few drops of this extract in a cup of tea or a glass of water or juice.

Relieves anxiety with ginseng


Verbena flower has many beneficial properties for our body. In addition to having a relaxing effect, these flowers are useful for treating problems related to nerves, stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Some people choose to eat verbena flowers because of the digestive benefits they offer. These include the ability to reduce intestinal gas and relieve colic (these flowers have an antispasmodic effect).

You can add fresh flowers and verbena leaves to the food you cook, but you can also use them as spices for lemonade or various juices.

Combine a handful of dried verbena flowers with a cup of hot water and make yourself a tea. In addition, you can associate the verbena with valerian, chamomile or mint.

St John

St. John’s wort is rich in nutrients such as flavonoids. But its most important component is hypericin, an active substance that can inhibit the actions of an enzyme called dopamine.

St. John’s wort is a very useful remedy for improving mood. In addition, this plant can decrease the body’s adrenaline production. For this reason it is an ideal solution to relieve anxiety, agitation and depression.

St. John’s wort can be purchased in the form of essential oil; all you have to do is combine this product with a little almond or olive oil, then apply the mixture obtained on the skin.

Another way to take advantage of the benefits of St. John’s wort is to resort to aromatherapy. Put a few drops of St. John’s wort essential oil in a suitable container, then heat this container on the stove. As the oil begins to boil, simply inhale the resulting vapors.

Other people choose to make a hypericin tea. For every cup of water you use, you need a few St. John’s wort leaves. Drink this tea every day, but avoid consuming more than three cups in a 24-hour period.


Valerian is one of the best known plants used to treat anxiety and agitation. Thanks to their calming effect, valerian flowers can be used to relieve stress and induce restful sleep. In addition, valerian is also recommended for women suffering from menstrual cramps.

To take advantage of all the benefits of valerian, make yourself a tea from this plant. For a liter of boiling water you need a handful of dried valerian roots. You can drink this tea every day, but be careful not to consume more than three cups.

Valerian flowers drive away anxiety

The basil

Basil is most often used to give a special taste to the food we cook. But few people know that this plant also has extraordinary calming powers, being an effective remedy to relieve anxiety.

In addition, thanks to the benefits that basil offers, a cup of tea made from this plant is an effective remedy to improve digestion, especially if you have just served a hearty lunch or dinner.

Basil can relax the nervous system, help you rest and is an ideal remedy to relieve anxiety and symptoms caused by “stomach nerves”.

Lemon grass

If anxiety, agitation and stress torment you, lemon grass is one of the best natural remedies you can try. This herb has a relaxing effect and can help you avoid insomnia and rest much better.

If you do not like its taste, you can make a tea using a tablespoon of dried lemon grass and another of one of the following three plants: chamomile, valerian root or verbena.

The white hawthorn

White hawthorn has many beneficial properties for the human body, the most interesting of which is certainly its ability to prevent and ameliorate cardiovascular problems.

Thanks to the fact that it helps the heart to pump blood with more force, this plant can reduce hypertension and improve blood circulation.

In addition, white hawthorn has a sedative effect on the nervous system, which is why it is often given to patients suffering from mild forms of anxiety or agitation. You can consume hawthorn extract together with juices, water or tea.


Mint can relieve anxiety

Also known as “lemon balm”, this plant has a rich pollen content. In fact, this is where the alternative name comes from — beetles attract a lot of bees, and the word “melissa” means “bee” in Greek.

Roins have very strong relaxing properties and are useful if you want to combat stress, anxiety and insomnia. In addition, this plant has an antispasmodic effect, which is why it is recommended for those who practice a lot of sports or intense physical activities. Moreover, rashes can relieve cramps!

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