5 Tips For Being A Proactive Person

Being a proactive person has many advantages: it promotes autonomy, stimulates independence and strengthens self-esteem. Learn more about this way of being!
5 tips to be a proactive person

Make things happen, don’t wait for them to happen. This is the guide for a proactive person. And, although it sounds like an advertising slogan, we are talking about one of the many ways to define what proactivity is. In this article, we offer you 5 tips to be a proactive person!

Being proactive means taking control of a situation and dealing with it. The opposite is a reactive behavior in which there is only response and reaction.

Although it is a concept often related to the field of work, being a proactive person is a highly valued quality in all aspects of life. We want to work with that person who is always willing to find a solution. We like to have a friend who, when he wants to see us, organizes a plan without too many gaps.

5 tips to be a proactive person

To believe that proactivity is an attribute we are born with is almost the opposite of its definition. Being a proactive person involves movement, non-compliance and accepting challenges.

But in order to achieve this, it is necessary to consider certain aspects. Let’s see what it’s all about!

Proactivity goes hand in hand with organization. For this, it is important to know what the expectations are and to set the priorities.

When we think about what we should do, we have to divide the task and correlate it with the deadlines and the characters involved. For example, there are things that depend on us (writing a report or cleaning the closet), but there are also activities that depend on others. Therefore, the decisions will not necessarily be ours.

The organization involves setting realistic, clear and measurable goals, so that we can set a course and check the progress. Nowadays, in addition to calendars, we can use various mobile applications to help.

Tips for being a proactive person
The organization contributes to proactivity. Having calendars, organization panels and management applications we can be more efficient in the use of time.

In relation to the organization, it is important to show flexibility. Sometimes situations arise that require urgent attention, so we must neglect the planned issues.

The plans are turned upside down. But adaptability is not the same as speculation. Thinking all the time in terms of “what if”, you’re just postponing things. So, you need to evaluate your thoughts and check which of them fall within the scope of the apology and what are the real reasons for postponing an activity.

In addition, it is essential to curb those negative thoughts by which you question your abilities. “Why do that anyway if you go wrong?” “Why should I do that if nothing will change?” … aspects pessimistic are a bottleneck in terms of proactivity and discourage any beginning.

If these thoughts are a permanent cognitive pattern that permeates all areas of life, it is recommended that you consult a professional. A proactive person is positive and believes that there is room for improvement.

Proactive people think about the resources they have and can mobilize. They do not remain anchored in what they lack and do not complain about those aspects in which they cannot intervene. These are simple excuses used to justify inaction.

Likewise, people with a proactive mind have confidence in themselves. They can recognize when they are wrong. They are able to recognize themselves and understand what needs to change. They are also able to use suggestions and accept constructive criticism.

The importance of proactivity in life

Proactivity is also related to self-respect. People who are more reactive are blocked. Although they can answer, they have no initiative.

Also, being proactive allows you to have a certain degree of control over certain situations, so it requires more security and confidence. Tasks are faced and performed with less burden, because the components are already known and planned. Those who are reactive are often stressed because they wait until the last minute.

In the case of group activities, proactivity goes hand in hand with participation. Therefore, those who are proactive tend to feel part of the group.

Finally, proactivity paves the way for independence and autonomy, as proactive people take command and do not need the approval of others to move forward. In the case of reactive people, they become dependent on the instructions or initiatives of others.

Worried girl
The stress of finishing things on time is classic for workers who are not proactive.

Tips for being a proactive person to the right extent

Like all things in life, proactivity is positive when it is balanced and does not go to extremes. Although it is generally associated with satisfaction and productivity, when the task is not well distributed, even a proactive and well-organized person ends up feeling stressed.

Let’s think about those cases where the proactive person ends up having a lot of tasks because he is always the one who is at the forefront of all projects. In this situation, far from being favorable, proactivity becomes Achilles’ heel.

It is also important to recognize that proactivity has nuances. Being proactive does not mean being proactive in all areas. Some topics or activities will cost us more than others.

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