Flowing Eyes: What Are The Causes?

There are several causes of flowing eyes. Some are associated with external agents, and others may suggest the need for immediate medical attention.
Flowing eyes: what are the causes?

As the name suggests, flowing eyes involve excessive tearing. Believe it or not, there may be more fluid than is needed in this area of ​​the body.

We all know that the eye needs lubrication to stay healthy. Sometimes, the fluid produced by the tear glands cannot flow due to a blockage of the tear duct that goes to the nose, which causes the fluid to spill on the eyelids.

How many types of eyes are flowing?

We can classify flowing eyes according to the affected population. In general, babies and adults are most susceptible to excessive tearing.

Although this condition is very common in children, it is important to be careful to avoid additional complications. Often, the causes of watery eyes in babies are related to a small blockage of the tear duct or the appearance of conjunctivitis.

In addition, this condition can also occur when the baby suffers from a cold, allergies or a scratch on the eyes. Therefore, if the tear persists, you should consult your pediatrician. It will clarify any doubts and apply the necessary treatment.

Although less common, this disorder can also affect young children. In this case, changes in the cornea may occur. One clue is the reddish color of the eyes that accompanies the excess of tears.

Excessive flowing eyes
Tears have an eye protection function. However, if they occur in excess, they become counterproductive.

Eyes flowing in adults

Causes of watery eyes

Specialists call this pathology chronic dacryocystitis. This can be an acquired condition and refers to narrowing of the ducts due to aging. There is also a congenital variant that frequently affects babies.

Another common symptom, despite the fact that this disease is related to dryness, is excessive tearing. This is because the lacrimal glands are over-stimulated as a protective mechanism, producing excess fluid.

Also, eye fatigue syndrome is associated with excessive use of electronic devices, which is very common nowadays with the advent of telework. This disease is included in digital visual syndromes and can affect the ocular surface, producing heavy tearing.

Among the most common symptoms of this pathology that affects the conjunctiva (the imperceptible membrane that covers the eye), we find watery eyes, inflammation, redness, as well as the secretion or accumulation of urds.

Symptoms include flowing eyes, the need to keep your eyes closed, burns and redness. It can even lead to dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting.

Irritated red eyes
There are many causes of watery eyes; some are less complicated and some are serious.

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