7 Symptoms Of A Heart Attack In Women

Many women ignore the warning signs that predict a heart attack, believing that they are experiencing common problems.
7 symptoms of a heart attack in women

Heart disease, including heart attack, can affect us all, but men and women have different symptoms. Women often believe that the signs that predict a heart attack are, in fact, due to mild conditions. For this reason, they rarely make the decision to consult a specialist. Discover 7 symptoms of a heart attack, so you can recognize the problem in time.

The number of female patients who have suffered a heart attack has increased in recent years, not necessarily because it would be more difficult to detect, but because women postpone visits to the doctor when the first symptoms appear. Despite this, more attention has recently been paid to warning signs that predict myocardial infarction. It is important to know them to prevent heart attack.

7 symptoms of a heart attack

1. Suffocation

Symptoms of a heart attack such as suffocation

The feeling of suffocation is a symptom that usually occurs when a person suffers from certain respiratory diseases. However, there is a high possibility that this symptom is related to heart disease.

  • The appearance of this unpleasant sensation, especially when we perform daily tasks, can signal the onset of a heart attack.
  • Often, the sensation is accompanied by pressure on the chest and recurrent cough.

2. Unusual feeling of fatigue

Feeling tired can be caused by sleep disturbances, poor nutrition or excessive physical activity. However, if it occurs regularly, for no particular reason, fatigue can be a sign of circulatory and heart problems.

  • The formation of cholesterol deposits in the arteries affects blood circulation and overloads the heart, increasing blood pressure and the risk of suffering a heart attack.
  • This symptom has negative effects on cell oxygenation. In addition, muscles and cognitive functions suffer.

3. Insomnia

Symptoms of a heart attack such as insomnia

Sleep disorders such as insomnia can occur from several causes: high workload, use of electronic devices before bed, stress, etc.

However, especially in women, insomnia can occur when significant hormonal changes occur in the body. It can also occur due to a factor that interferes with the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  • People prone to hypertension or heart attack have trouble sleeping, especially in the days before a heart attack.

4. Cold sweats

The sudden onset of cold sweats can be the onset of a heart attack or the presence of other cardiovascular conditions.

  • Sweating can occur because the body puts more effort into regulating body temperature. The body exerts more effort due to the overload of the heart.
  • Symptoms such as dizziness and generalized malaise occur.

5. Pain in the left side of the body, the most common symptoms of a heart attack

Symptoms of a heart attack such as chest pain

The appearance of unusual pain in the left side of the body is one of the clearest symptoms of a heart attack in women.

  • Those who go through this problem show the following symptoms a few days before the infarction: pain in the arm, back, jaw, all on the left side.
  • Symptoms can appear gradually, so they can progress from mild symptoms to chronic symptoms in just a few hours.

6. Feeling anxious

Recurrent episodes of anxiety can be caused by several factors. Despite this, it is important to treat this symptom because, in many situations, it can affect the heart rhythm and can lead to a heart attack.

  • If the anxiety episode is accompanied by “stings” in the heart or dizziness, you should consult a doctor immediately.
  • It is important to treat yourself even when the episodes go away,  because their recurrence can change your blood pressure.

7. Gastric acidity

Symptoms of a heart attack such as gastric acidity

Excessive secretion of gastric acid causes acid reflux. It is manifested by heartburn and burning sensation in the chest, which can be confused with the pain that occurs in case of heart attack.

  • Although heartburn is not usually a symptom of a heart attack, we cannot rule out this possibility, especially if they occur regularly.

Do you have relatives who have suffered a heart attack? Are you obese or have a sedentary lifestyle? If you have symptoms of a heart attack, consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Even if you do not feel exposed to this risk, visit a doctor for a check-up and blood tests to check your heart health.

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