Prevention And Treatment Of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins occur due to circulation problems in the legs. To prevent or improve their appearance, it is recommended to practice a few simple exercises and eat as many foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids as possible. 
Prevention and treatment of varicose veins

The veins are like ducts that carry blood throughout the body, collecting waste that is then filtered by the liver. Today we will present you some solutions for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins.

Having strong, elastic veins is essential for good circulation and proper health. But as time goes on, the veins tend to lose their strength and strengthen, causing various problems.

Aging is a major cause of circulatory problems, but there are others such as: sedentary lifestyle, consumption of high-fat foods, smoking and nutritional deficiencies.

Varicose veins

The veins in the lower part of the body have more work to do than those located in other areas. This is due to the gravitational force that makes it difficult for the blood to move from the legs to the heart.

In addition, the lower limbs support the weight of the whole body, which influences the efficiency with which the blood is transported through the veins.

Treatment of varicose veins and the pain caused by them

When the veins lose their strength, the valves that control blood flow fail due to increased pressure. That vein no longer works properly, making it difficult to transport blood to the heart.

When blood accumulates in the veins in the lower extremities, they can become inflamed and form nodules that create the unpleasant appearance of varicose veins.

Varicose veins are characterized by a bluish tinge of the skin and swelling of the legs. In addition to being unsightly, they can also cause pain.

Leaving aside the aesthetic side, varicose veins directly affect your health, as the tissues around them are affected by the accumulation of toxins that can lead to the development of ulcers, if the condition is not treated.

Moreover, ongoing circulatory problems can cause various cardiovascular diseases.

Exercises to treat varicose veins

Exercises to treat varicose veins

Physical activity is one of the best ways to prevent and treat varicose veins. Exercises based on constant movements improve circulation and specifically target the problem of varicose veins.

The most recommended exercises are:

  • Gymnastics
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Spinning (exercise bike)
  • Yoga
  • Walking

Another option is to follow a 20-minute program of weightlifting exercises and leg stretches. They help strengthen the veins.

Finish with 20 lifts of each leg.

Proper nutrition for the treatment of varicose veins

Nutrition plays an important role in protecting the health of the veins, as they need certain nutrients to strengthen and stay elastic.

It is advisable to increase the consumption of foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish and seeds. In addition, try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible and add amino acids from your diet to products such as brewer’s yeast and soy.

Juice that strengthens the veins

Foods for treating varicose veins

This juice strengthens the capillaries and veins and removes toxins from the blood. Regular consumption improves circulation and reduces varicose veins.


  • 1 celery stalk
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 slice of onion
  • 1 1/2 cup aloe vera gel (300 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon spirulina (5 g)

Method of preparation

Add all the ingredients in the blender and pass them for a few minutes. Drink the juice on an empty stomach.

Natural remedy for treating varicose veins

Natural remedy for treating varicose veins

This natural treatment for varicose veins is easy to prepare and offers extraordinary results, if applied regularly. Buy fodder cabbage and separate the leaves.

Smooth each leaf separately with the blender and apply them on the areas affected by varicose veins. Let them act for a few hours or overnight.

It is important to know that natural treatments do not give immediate results and require a change in lifestyle and daily habits.

If you eat healthier, exercise regularly and follow the tips above, you can alleviate this problem. However, in more severe cases, medical intervention is required.

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