Daily Stress Causes Depression

Daily stress can cause depression, so it is important to learn to relax and adopt a healthy lifestyle. It is also important to be aware of the symptoms, as they often go unnoticed.
Daily stress causes depression

Stress and depression can seem to be two mutually exclusive conditions. While the first problem is associated with nervousness, the second is related to passivity. However, daily stress causes depression, just as depression causes stress.

Why does daily stress cause depression? In general terms, we can say that both conditions are an inadequate response to problems, challenges and contradictions. They cause concern and, at the same time, frustration and reluctance.

Both problems are very characteristic of the century in which we live and appear because of the lifestyles that society has imposed on us: excessive stimuli, frantic pace of activities, increased emotional isolation. It is important to remember that stress can cause depression and take steps to avoid it.

Daily stress

Stress itself is not a problem, as long as you keep it at moderate levels. This emotional response allows the person to be more alert and better protected in situations that involve challenges or risks. However, if you experience it continuously or at very high levels, it becomes a serious problem.

When stress is triggered, the body responds with increased cortisol production. In addition, the body secretes another neurotransmitter hormone called adrenaline. A side effect is that the body reacts faster and stronger to stimuli.

Stress can become a common sensation when a person gets used to misclassifying certain stimuli that are not so dangerous (for example, being late for work, completing a task, or even leaving home). Therefore, the stress becomes continuous and the body is constantly overworked.

Stressed woman at work
Work is a source of daily stress for many people.

Daily stress causes depression

Daily stress can cause depression, as maintaining a state of alertness for long periods of time disrupts normal physiological functions. This can affect your mood and cause depression.

Both disorders are often correlated and, in fact, have very similar symptoms. It should be noted that not all types of depression are based on stress, but it greatly increases the risk of becoming depressed.

Stress is exhausting and overwhelming, which can lead to difficulties such as decreased productivity, poorer performance at work, problems in interpersonal relationships and eating or sleeping disorders.

Your daily routine is starting to seem challenging or very frustrating. All this leads to a feeling of deep frustration, accompanied by sadness and lack of motivation. At this point, you are already overwhelmed by depression, which can have different levels of severity.

How to detect the problem

Daily stress causes depression in women
Paying attention to the initial symptoms of stress and depression will allow you to take preventative measures.

There are several relevant symptoms, such as the following:

  • Constant tension: It’s about the feeling that life is overwhelming and pressing, as if it’s a constant struggle.
  • Irritability: You often get angry and small things upset you more than they normally would.
  • Crying for no reason: You feel like crying for no specific reason.
  • Low enthusiasm for life: Feeling disinterest and apathy for life itself. Your projects do not arouse your enthusiasm and you have the feeling that you live from inertia.
  • Isolation and self-loathing: Avoid contact with others, especially close or intimate contact. You start criticizing yourself more and more often.
  • Cognitive problems: Attention, concentration, speed and mental acuity decrease.

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