Detox With Juices And Soups For A Week

In this article we will explain in detail how to follow for a week a detoxification treatment with juices and soups, simple and natural. Thanks to the benefits offered by fruits and vegetables consumed in the form of juices and soups, you can detoxify your body in just one week.
Detoxification with juices and soups for a week

A detoxification treatment with juices and soups can help the body eliminate toxins, help improve the functions of internal organs, prevent aging and chronic diseases, maintain a balanced weight and guarantee the well-being and high quality of life of each of us.

In this article we will explain in detail how to follow for a week a detoxification treatment with juices and soups, simple and natural. Thanks to the benefits offered by fruits and vegetables consumed in the form of juices and soups, you can detoxify your body in just one week.

How to prepare for detoxification with juices and soups

To follow this cure, you need to be flexible and adapt to the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

If you plan to follow the cure in the cold season, you will have to choose soups to keep you warm, and for hot days opt for refreshing fruit juices. Both options can help cleanse and mineralize the body and can be combined.

Ideally, you should prepare your own juices in a blender. If you do not have such a device, you can buy natural, organic juices from health food stores. Make sure that the products you want to buy do not contain sugars or other additives that can prevent the detoxification process.

Apple and carrot juice helps detoxify

What is a “healing crisis”?

Before you start your detox treatment with juices and soups, you need to know what a “cure crisis” means. When the body is loaded with toxins, you  need to start a detoxification treatment .

Detoxification can initially cause a state of discomfort manifested by headaches, excess mucus, diarrhea, etc. Moreover, the symptoms of certain diseases you already suffer from may worsen. It is a normal thing, it is even a sign that your body is working properly.

Even so, if you suffer from a certain disease or if you are undergoing drug treatment, it is good to consult a specialist.

The first and last day

The first and last day of the detox diet with juices and soups should be dedicated to adaptation. All you have to do is try to eat healthy, avoiding the consumption of the following products:

  • Red meat
  • Fry
  • Sugar
  • Bread, sweets, biscuits and other similar products

Instead, it consumes exclusively:

  • Dried fruit salads
  • Soups, stews and vegetable dishes
  • Easily digestible vegetables: peas or lentils
  • Apples, pears, pineapple, papaya or avocado
  • Brown rice or whole millet
Eat vegetable soup for effective detoxification

Cure with tonic effect

This detoxification treatment with juices and soups lasts 5 days.

It is not absolutely necessary to use all the ingredients, but only those that are in your area and that are specific to the season:

  1. Before breakfast: two glasses of warm water in which to add the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of flax seeds.
  2. Breakfast: apple juice, pears, carrots, pineapple or ginger. Three dates.
  3. Lunch: cabbage juice, beets, apples and carrots. Boiled brown rice and kombu seaweed.
  4. Snack: cabbage juice, beets, apples and carrots. A ripe apple with cinnamon and a handful of dried fruit.
  5. Dinner: cabbage soup, carrots, onions, garlic, leeks, pumpkin and artichokes. You can also add organic seaweed, a little sea salt, cayenne pepper and a tablespoon of flax seeds. In addition to soup, eat a hard-boiled egg or a few lentils.
Drink potato juice for effective detoxification


Some wise advice

  • This detoxification treatment is not meant to make you hungry. If you do not feel full, increase the portions at each meal, but try to choose only the recommended foods, to chew well and quietly.
  • During the day, drink detoxifying infusions of dandelion, nutmeg or horsetail, sweetened with a little honey, cane sugar or stevia.
  • For the body to be properly cleansed, intestinal motility is absolutely fundamental. If, despite the fact that you have consumed flax seeds, you still encounter difficulties of this kind, resort to an enema with warm water.
  • During this cure, avoid stress and excessive physical exertion. Choose a quieter week to follow the detox diet and exercise lightly. Exercises such as breathing, stretching, walking or a walk in the park are recommended.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article on how to detoxify your body in one week with juices and soups!

Photo source: Will Merydith, samuel gardiner, Breville USA and hepp.

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