Strokes: 5 Alarm Signals

Stroke is a medical emergency. This health problem occurs suddenly and causes permanent damage in just a few minutes.
Strokes: 5 alarm signals

Strokes (strokes) are associated with high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle and the harmful action of free radicals. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and stress increase the risk of having a stroke.

In today’s article we invite you to discover what are the main alarm signals that strokes can produce. Read on and remember!

What do we need to know about strokes?

When blood flow to the brain is inhibited, cells do not receive the nutrients and oxygen they need to function properly. As a result, they die.

Cerebrovascular disease ranks third in the top causes of death in the West. They are also in the first place in the top of the factors that cause permanent disabilities and are among the causes of neurological deficit in the elderly. The human brain can be affected by two types of strokes:

Ischemic strokes

Strokes are the consequence of certain harmful habits

This type of stroke is also called occlusive ischemia or stroke and involves the sudden cessation of cerebral blood flow.

The main cause of this type of stroke is the blockage of the arteries responsible for supplying brain tissue with blood. This phenomenon is the consequence of excessive calcium accumulation, an embolism or arteriosclerosis.

Hemorrhagic strokes

Hemorrhagic strokes are triggered when a blood vessel bursts due to a congenital aneurysm or high blood pressure. Bleeding causes a stroke because the brain does not receive the necessary blood or the blood puts pressure on the structures of the brain.

After the blood clot is removed, it generally takes 24 to 48 hours to determine which region of the brain has been affected.

How are strokes detected?

Stroke is a very serious problem

The severity of strokes also depends on the amount of obstructed blood. Another important factor is the speed with which the patient receives medical care. For this reason, it is essential to know the main symptoms caused by strokes.

If you are in a stroke-prone group, consider the following alarm signals:

Dizziness and difficulty walking

  • Because blood flow decreases in the event of a stroke, the patient may feel dizzy.
  • It could also lose its balance and coordination and fall.
  • Any type of movement that requires attention will be affected.

Weakness and numbness

Among other things, strokes can cause numbness

One of the main symptoms of strokes is the inability of the patient to raise his arms (either individually or both at the same time) and to keep them raised. You may feel numb and unable to lift even light objects.

Many patients report that when they suffered a stroke, they dropped the objects they were holding. Tingling, numbness and inability to move the limbs are other warning signs that we need to consider.

Speech difficulties

In addition to movement difficulties, strokes also hinder the patient’s ability to speak. Speech disorders, inability to find the right terms to express oneself, and inconsistency are common symptoms among those who suffer a stroke.

Facial paralysis

Along with speech disorders, those who suffer a stroke often also experience facial paralysis. This sensation is similar to that produced by anesthetics administered by the dentist when extracting a mass.

Patients with a stroke are often unable to smile or even open their eyes. Paralysis usually occurs only on one half of the face. Furthermore, the patient may experience blurred, double, or dark vision.

Intense migraine

Strokes can cause very intense migraines

Each of us sometimes has a headache and it is possible that this problem will be very intense. However, when you have a stroke, you may experience a migraine that is so intense that it becomes debilitating.

This type of migraine will appear suddenly and will be accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. If it is a stroke, the patient may faint.

All the symptoms we have presented in this article can be easily overlooked. Those around the patient may feel tired, confused, or even drunk.

If the symptoms appear for only a few seconds or minutes and then disappear, the patient may experience a transient stroke. These symptoms should not be ignored. They indicate that the blood fails to reach the brain properly.

In the future, it is not excluded that the patient will have a more severe stroke. If you suspect that your health is in danger, do not hesitate to call an ambulance. Only a specialist can give you a correct diagnosis. Many nurses and paramedics are able to immediately put you under investigation for three reasons:

  • Face: The specialist will check your face to see if there is a muscle asymmetry.
  • Arms: The specialist will check if you are able to move your arms voluntarily or if you feel tingling or numbness.
  • Speech: The specialist will ask you a series of questions to determine if you can speak normally or if you speak as if you were intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

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