Symptoms Of Chronic Kidney Failure

Chronic renal failure leads to high blood pressure, fatigue, anemia and decreased appetite. Read on to find out what the symptoms are and how chronic kidney failure is diagnosed!
Symptoms of chronic renal failure

Chronic kidney failure is a gradual process in which the kidneys stop working properly. You may already know how important they are because they are responsible for filtering blood and removing waste through urine. What are the symptoms of chronic kidney failure?

The kidneys also perform hormonal, electrolytic and metabolic functions. Thus, when the disease progresses and renal function is irreversibly destroyed, the situation becomes incompatible with life if the treatment is not administered immediately.

This condition is asymptomatic at first, so the diagnosis can be complex. In today’s article, we will show you the symptoms that may occur and how doctors can diagnose chronic kidney failure.

Symptoms of chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure manifests itself in many ways because, as we pointed out above, the kidneys perform many functions in the body.

Anorexia is one of the most common symptoms, followed by nausea and vomiting. According to a study published in the Journal of Nephrology, these symptoms are caused by high levels of urea in the blood. Unfortunately, the problem can persist even after treatment, increasing the risk of malnutrition.

High blood pressure, fatigue and sleep problems are other common manifestations. There is also general fluid retention and difficulty breathing, swelling of the legs and chest pain.

Symptoms of chronic kidney failure in women
Lack of appetite, anemia and lower back pain are early signs of possible kidney failure.

These changes occur when the kidneys are already damaged. The electrolytes that are most often affected are baking soda, sodium and potassium. Potassium levels in the blood tend to increase, leading to heart rhythm disorders.

Baking soda is essential for regulating the body’s internal acidity levels. Metabolic acidosis occurs when there is advanced chronic renal failure.

An article in the Annals of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery states that kidney failure has risk factors similar to those of cardiovascular disease: old age, smoking and dyslipidemia.

High levels of urea in the blood cause an acceleration of the process of atherosclerosis. It consists of the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels, which impede the proper circulation of blood. Therefore, there is a higher risk of ischemic heart disease and heart failure, among other problems.

Skin problems

Symptoms of chronic renal failure
Hemodialysis could lead to complications; therefore, many symptoms are caused by therapy.

Diagnosis of chronic renal failure

Symptoms occur when the disease is already in an advanced stage. Therefore, it is important to undergo a series of tests to diagnose the early symptoms of chronic kidney failure.

First, doctors can do blood tests that show creatinine and urea levels. These are two indicators of kidney function. I can also do a urine test to quantify the amount of stool that has been removed in a whole day.

Imaging tests, such as ultrasound or MRI, can complete the diagnosis. The kidneys tend to shrink in size, as does the amount of urine excreted. The doctor may notice this through imaging.

A complex disease

Chronic kidney failure is a complex disease that you need to treat as soon and effectively as possible, depending on the resources available. Hemodialysis is usually a necessary therapy, but you need to keep in mind that it affects many aspects of the body.

Smoking increases the risk of this disease, as well as the chances of cardiovascular and renal complications. This is why you need to quit smoking.

You must follow the nephrologist’s recommendations regarding care and treatment. Your quality of life depends on these indications, as well as on adopting a specific diet and lifestyle changes.

We hope you enjoyed this article on the symptoms of chronic kidney failure!

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