The Best Natural Scrubs

In order to have a smooth and beautiful skin, it is necessary to exfoliate it periodically with natural products.
The best natural exfoliants

Exfoliation is one of the best ways to cleanse your skin of impurities and dead cells that accumulate over time. If you want your skin to look younger, softer and radiant, we advise you to use the best natural exfoliants.

Exfoliation is a beneficial procedure for any skin type and you can apply it to both your face and your whole body. In addition to cleansing your skin, several studies have shown that this treatment stimulates lymphatic drainage and the circulatory system and prevents aesthetic problems such as cellulite.

In this article we present some of the best natural exfoliants for your face and body. If you want to have softer skin and free of impurities, do not hesitate to read on!

2 exfoliants for your face

If you keep your facial skin clean and hydrated, wrinkles will never bother you and you will look younger. The following natural exfoliants are ideal if you want to take care of your face and remove all those impurities that could overshadow your beauty.

Banana scrub

Banana on the list of natural exfoliants

This is one of the best natural scrubs you can try if you have oily skin.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar


Make banana puree, add three tablespoons of brown sugar and mix well. Apply the scrub on your face in a circular motion, then rinse with warm water.

Lemon scrub

Lemon on the list of natural exfoliants

Lemons are famous for their astringent and cleansing properties. Among the natural exfoliants, the lemon one will leave your skin softer, cleaner and free of imperfections.


  • 1 cup sugar
  • Half a cup of olive oil
  • Juice obtained from half a lemon


Mix the sugar with the olive oil and add the lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients well, then apply the exfoliant obtained on the face with circular movements. This treatment is very effective, but avoid sun exposure immediately after applying it.

3 natural body scrubs

To exfoliate your body and remove dead cells that accumulate on the skin, you need to apply natural exfoliants with circular movements starting from the bottom up, so as to stimulate your circulation. But don’t apply too much pressure!

Oat exfoliant

Natural exfoliants with oatmeal

Oats have cleansing properties that, in addition to helping you remove dead cells that cover your skin, will make it much softer.


  • Half a cup of oatmeal
  • Half a cup of sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a paste. Apply this paste on your skin in circular motions (using a glove or sponge), leave it on for ten minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Exfoliating with almonds and salt

Natural exfoliants with almonds
100 g of almonds have a significant content of vitamin E (26.22 mg)

This wonderful natural exfoliant will moisturize your skin and help it look brighter, smoother and more beautiful.


  • 2 cups sea salt
  • ¾ cup of olive oil
  • ¾ cup of almond oil
  • 3 drops of essential oil


Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl and leave the mixture in a dark and cool place. Apply the exfoliant on the body in circular motions, leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Exfoliating with coffee grounds

Natural exfoliants with coffee

This coffee grounds exfoliant is known for its anti-cellulite and rejuvenating properties. Your skin will be cleansed of dead cells and will look much healthier.


  • Half a cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of coffee grounds
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a paste. Wet your skin and apply this paste using circular motions, focusing on the areas most susceptible to cellulite deposition. Try this treatment twice a week.

A few tricks to get the best results possible

  • Exfoliation is a great way to cleanse your skin of impurities. To make this easier, we advise you to apply the exfoliants only by massaging with circular movements.
  • To facilitate exfoliation, first moisturize your skin so that the creams can be applied more easily.
  • After exfoliating your skin, apply a moisturizer.

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